Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Time Intro

One thing that Abraham Lincoln said on the matter of time was, "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." Meaning that we will have to prepare and take in the things life throws at us. Doesn't always seen that way, especially in a book called Shiver, where time only seems to run fast, because the main character's boyfriend is a werewolf and everyone wants to kill the wolves. This can be seen when a rich boy is attacked and killed by wolves. Time is of the essence when the hunters are getting rowdy, an idiot spreading werewolf-ness to all others and endangering the pack, and when winter turn the human back to werewolves. 

Class Blog!


Thursday, March 27, 2014


Shiver is a book about a girl named Grace who was apparently attacked by wolves when she was really young, and apparently those wolves where werewolves. One of them happened to be a boy named Sam who has been creepy stalking at her as she grew up. I really hope this is a good love story since they're apparently pressed for time since Sam is not going to shift back to human normally, he might turn wolf forever.

I am Grace

I am a surviver
I wonder about the wolves in the woods
I hear them howl sometimes
I see my wolf in my backyard
I want to pet him sometimes
I am surviver

I pretend my accident never happened
I feel can still feel the bites in my dreams
I touch the old scars
I worry about the hunters killing the wolves
I cry at the thought of that happening
I am stupid for thinking like that

I understand after my and Cole's attack
I say that I don't want them to get hurt
I dream about the night of my attack
I try to forget about it
I hope the wolves stay safe
I am sure they won't be safe for long

Monday, March 24, 2014

"A hero a is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to perservere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -Christopher Reeve

Christopher Reeve was Superman, he was until he had a terrible accident rendering him from the neck down. He lost his appearance of being Superman, the indestructible man to a man who can barely move in a wheel chair, which didn't stop him from being Superman at heart. That quote means that even though he can no longer save lives, doesn't mean that he can't be a super hero any more, because a super hero doesn't need powers to save lives. A hero is a person who can help anyone in anyway to make some one's life just a little bit easier. Meaning a few simple words or pulling someone out of a burning building.
Chistopher as a retired hero knows the ways of being a hero more than anyone. So I agree with Superman, an ordinary individual that can easily get through obstacles life throws and be the better person. I myself has played hero every now and then, but unlike Superman, my heroics never happened when it was needed. At parties I was the friend who didn't another friend get on a motorcycle with a drunken driver. I lent cash I never saw again for taxi fees, but I was also a well known villain among party goers. A bit of a stickler for the rules, told girls if someone slipped something in their drinks. Superman, had may seem being a hero, physical; he is a hero in every other way.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

            Time seems to hate and love me; the idiotic miscreant taunts me on a daily basis.  Giving me an abundance wen I don’t need it and none when I do. Like the cruel mistress she is, she never lets me take back my mistakes. For she can only forward, and never backwards.
            How your mistakes no matter how small can shape your entire life. Even though we all wish we should have been kind for once in its eternity of a life time and let us have a yesterday, or let us stop ourselves for saying that one incredibly stupid thing. That one thing that made us lose the one important person, but if she had been kind enough to let us have that one yesterday. If we stopped ourselves from saying that one thing, what would happen to said person?
            That person could have easily started a new life without you, could have been a better life, could have been a worse life; could have been with someone else. A life where that person and said other person become friends get married and have an ultimately happy life. Or would you keep that person with you? So that person would have to in a world without benediction? To be miserable that there timeline was shoved off course, because you were selfish enough to go back and fix something that shouldn’t have been fixed?
            Time is a benign misanthrope, I’m sure she sees us as insects. Probably no more than insects to her, since she’s seen human kind at its best and human kind at its worst. One thing she does do, is give us the time to go to that person and tell them that you’re an unbearable butt face, but you love and miss them.
            Time no matter what she does, she’s an amazing benefactor.